Interview with Margaret Glaspy

margaret glaspy

Singer/songwriter, Margaret Glaspy came to Boston three years ago on a grant from the National Foundation for the Advancement of Arts. Since then, she’s been rocking the folk scene, regularly headlining at Club Passim, who has just given her an Iguana Music Award. As she settles into a Tuesday night residency at the Lizard Lounge for April, Glaspy talked to the Deli about the Boston scene, finding her voice as a songwriter and the power of acoustic music.

DELI: You come from California?

Margaret Glaspy: Red Bluff. It’s this tiny little town in northern California, kind of conservative and…interesting (laughs). We were definitely the weird family.

DELI: How so?

MG: It was definitely a small town vibe, lots of cattle and county fairs and rodeos and stuff…not that all that stuff isn’t great but we were kind of on a different path.

Read the whole interview by Jason Rabin HERE