Interview with Star FK Radium: DC Deli’s Band of the Month (October)

When one thinks of the typical sound of DC, chamber pop probably isn’t amongst the first genres to come to mind, but with the talent exuding from DC’s own Star FK Radium, perhaps that may change. And considering they rose to the top of our recent band of the month poll, they clearly have a fanbase that may just put chamber pop up there with go-go and straightedge someday…who knows! So we got a hold of Bill (guitar), Matt (drums), and Alissa (violin) to delve more into the world of classical punk. Here, they talk about cool dads, their European audience, and gracing the pages of several metal magazines. Now onto the interview

Check out the beautiful video below for "Josie’s Porch Swing" filmed on location in Iceland! The song is available on their album Blue Siberia, now available. And catch them live next at Ebeneezer’s in DC on Oct. 27.