He’s My Brother, She’s My Sister’s self titled EP out

He's My Brother, She's My Sister

Sultry vocals, twanging folk guitar, booming bass drum, plucked cello, and the pitter patter of tap shoes. What does it all add up to? The vaudeville folk of He’s My Brother, She’s My Sister. The gang recently played a packed show at the Bootleg Theater for the release of their self titled EP and as the send off for their US tour. Appearances from friends Featherbeard, Amanda Jo Williams, Adanowsky, and Las Cafeteras rounded out the night with stellar performances from all.

If you’ve never been exposed to He’s My Brother, She’s My Sister, I think it’s a fair warning so say their mojo have the power to heal the afflicted. "Tales That I Tell" has vocalist Rachel Kolar paint the laments of a lover done wrong in all of her dusty western glory, while Lauren Brown taps out the beat. Rachel’s brother, guitarist Rob Kolar picks up the vocal duties on "How’m I Gunna Get Back Home" with cellist Satya Bhabha filling in the breaks. "Lazy Daze" fits somewhere nicely in the crack between 60’s folk and 70’s psychedelics while "Moonage Daydream" continues the down tempo theme with a hint of David Bowie’s "Space Oddity". Haunting falsetto and acoustic guitar ring through regret on "The House That Isn’t Mine". "Coattails" picks the pace up again with a little ditty about those people who just can’t seem to achieve anything for themselves. "Wilted Rose" closes up shop with a simple, lo-fi chorus about a worthless girl’s quest for love.

The group will be on tour for a while, but you can grab their EP on Bandcamp.

-Angelo Lorenzo