From the NYC’s online music submissions: Met City

It’s time to feel big again. Met City is as epic as Opera, as large as Tchaikovsky, and as bubbly and fresh as any pop tune you want buzzing around your head. And if you have any doubts, just watch their swashbuckling medieval court re-enactment for ‘Chess Street.’

Material like the four tracks from their last EP ‘Stockholm Fancy‘ infuses the best sentiments from all of these worlds. It’s a string quartet unleashed atop rolling piano lines. All held together by singer/songwriter Loren Beri’s perfect pitch baritone, infusing the group with a breezy sound not unlike Ra Ra Riot’s earlier material. The band promises to play new shows soon, so keep your passenger pigeons on the ready, and check out ‘Chess Street’ below. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)

This band submitted their music for coverage here.