Frog brings fuzzy folk rock to Caffeine Underground 04.28

There’s a twangy, almost drawling tone to Dan Bateman’s voice when he sings in Frog. Bateman and bandmate Tom White have a folky hue to their music, as if it came from the American heartland rather than the densely populated streets of New York where the two reside. On paper though, that influence can be a little tricky to point out. Frog plays almost fuzzy indie rock with dashes of keyboard chords and glockenspiel melodies filling in the warm tingle of guitar. Still, the duo’s tender dynamics capture the personal feel of folk music and suit the band to intimate performances. You can see Frog live on April 28th at Caffeine Underground, a fittingly cozy setting for the group, alongside Demure and solo performances from Told Slant and Bedbug. – Cameron Carr