FREE FOR ALL w/Brown Recluse at ICA April 11

Enter a large unfamiliar house in the hopes of finding a hidden treasure. The interior hallways are long and poorly illuminated. Every door looks the same. As you rummage through this ancient structure, the floorboards creak making you hold your breath fearing the worst. Yet every corner turned and every door opened contains the light and warmth of possibility, but you never know what’s going to be on the other side of that door, unseen around the bend or what lurks behind. Baroque pop Philadelphians Brown Recluse provide the soundtrack to this journey into the unknown. Sometimes, the atmosphere is light and airy as clear vocals and the clean steady rumble of percussions allow vision far into the distance. However, at other times, dark clouds emerge as creepy keyboards and possessed vocals take the lead and the path becomes unclear. Way off there lays the flicker of a flame that will guide the way. Tonight these contradicting sounds will be filling the Institute of Contemporary Art. The evening will start off with a conversation about the current exhibition “First Among Equals” on display with ICA curators Alex Klein and Kate Kraczon and artist Alex da Corte while being moderated by ICA Student Advisory Board members Julia Nelson and David Galperin. There will also be a Stefan Sagmeister-related screen printing session (free t-shirts will be provided) as well as refreshments which will include Federal Donuts…and beer (21+ ID required). Sounds like a delightful way to spend the evening. Institute of Contemporary Art, 118 S. 36th St., 6:30pm, Free, All Ages – Michael Colavita