Freakout Standouts: Taylar Elizza Beth

 *photo by April Sol

Hip hop may have been one of the least represented genres at Freakout Fest this year, but the fest still managed to present strong acts of interest within the city’s movement. One in particular proudly reps her White Center locale, and it’s just another detail that adding to what makes Taylar Elizza Beth an artist to be aware of.

Friday was pretty lit at Hattie’s Hat and quite a bit of that was because of Taylar Elizza Beth, also known as Taylar White. She’s played packed houses before, like earlier this year at the Upstream Music Fest, but the mid-20s raptress (that’s rapper and songstress, FYI) is gaining even more warranted attention as her late May EP Fresh Cut Flowers continues to secure its bag, so to speak.

Fresh Cut Flowers takes a different approach to hip-hop than her debut, 2014’s The BLK EP. On it, her flow likens itself more to an old school delivery of loquacity, where with Flowers White is mellow and intimate with her recitation. This is no way takes away from the power and magnetism White emits during her performances, especially at Hattie’s Hat, where she sucked everyone in like a vacuum. 

If you’ve yet to catch her live, follow Taylar Elizza Beth’s Facebook for upcoming shows.