Five Questions with: Your Cannons

Your Cannons are the latest Bay Area band to be chosen by our readers as The Deli SF Artist of The Month. Their latest release The Dust Bowl EP is availible now and you can check them out January 19th at Bottom of the Hill.

What food item best describes your music?
Black licorice dogs, we have an endless supply in our studio, they inspire us.

What instrument have you wanted to include but have yet to find a way to fit into your sound?
I recently bought a Melodica because I thought I heard Brian Wilson play one on Cabin Essence on Smile. It will probably be on every song on the next EP

Embarrassing childhood memory?
Bon Jovi

What musical artist would you like to grab a beer with?
Not Thom Yorke, he once lent me 20 pence to buy a pint at a Strokes gig in Oxford, when I gave him his change he slowly counted it. Probably Nick McCabe.

And finally, time travel or space travel?
Definitely time travel. There’s so many amazing things that I’ve missed, the England World Cup win in ’66, Keith Moon drumming, being at the Joiners Arms in Southampton when The Verve played the ‘best gig ever,’ dinosaurs etc. Getting anywhere of interest in this universe involves a lot of waiting, stasis, and sleep, and that’s just not that exciting…

If your band has answers to The Deli SF’s Five Questions, forward them on to
