Fantastic Plastic: Cities on Fire

Fantastic Plastic just released their first full-length album, Cities on Fire. Full of insatiable anger and bitter irony, Cities on Fire is a great catharsis for the shit show that is 2018 America. Songs “Parasites” and “Guilt Plea” have an incredibly tense, claustrophobic tone. You can feel your muscles instinctively clenching as you listen. Luckily, Cities on Fire also provides a great outlet for all that built up stress. Stylistically, the album is reminiscent of The Cramps and early Siouxsie Sioux. The vocals and lyrics run wild with their anxieties. Each song throws both the band and the audience into frenetic, chaotic movements. The guitar playing provides a nice balance to this chaos. The wavy, loose chords guide the audience through each song. They never lose their purpose and provide a nice sense of stability.

You can catch Fantastic Plastic at the Firkin Tavern September 21st, along with Retirement and Hollow Sidewalks


  -By Avril Carrillo