Evelyn to Play at Pianos July 29th

"You can’t say indie rock is dead, it’s just being taken over by women," Sophie Allison (of Soccer Mommy) once said. And with an up-and-coming band like Evelyn, it seems pretty hard to dispute. The Brooklyn indie rock band’s recent project may have proven that they possess the caliber to become one of the prominent, emerging female-led indie rock bands surging through the music scene at the moment. Their EP released back in March, Light Full, has tracks rooted in a mellow, indie rock sound, but soar into many distinct and uplifting directions throughout. The opening track, “Lament”, begins with trilling and whammy-barred guitars that build toward a more emotional, vigorous sound, eventually finishing with an emphatic guitar solo. The other songs don’t fall short either. “Endlessly” works in an indie folk vibe and “Light Full” immediately kicks off with fuzzier garage-rock. The way Evelyn brings forth a plethora of sounds while keeping it all within their style is definitely something to keep an eye on. Check out their performance at Pianos in NYC on July 29th. – Pearse Devlin