Electro-funk NYC band to watch: Autre Ne Veut plays 285 Kent tonight (12.07)

As covered in the latest print edition of The Deli, nu-electrofunk is on the rise in NYC, as evidenced by cool recent releases from Body Language, Friends and AVAN LAVA. Brooklyn based Autre Ne Veut throw their hat square in the ring with a free-download album titled Anxiety. Robotic counter-melodies and electronic castanets punctuate hazy rhythms that approach house music, but pull back just short of full disco-fication. Sexy falsetto vocals like the groove-oriented “Counting” (featuring Mykki Blanco, video streaming below) and the jumpy “Warning” feel carefree, if slightly calculated. Autre save the best for last with the electro freakout, “World War,” a ballad gone experimental to the extreme, recalling Purple Rain-era Prince in all its decadent hysteria. Label them “one to watch” – see them tonight (12.07) at 285 Kent in Williamsburg. – Brian Chidester

The single "Counting" was added to our SoundCloud playlist of emerging electronic NYC artists here.