Eastern Phoebes: Better People

Is the Elephant 6 Collective arriving in New York, or has a new arts commune sprung up unexpectedly in the otherwise serene waters of Long Island? Meet the fascinating arts collective/loft apartment recording project of Eastern Phoebes. While the band has already released several records, the band has now arrived at a larger juncture with their latest EP ‘Better People.’ An ensemble including the large, inviting personalities of Ry Cooder and Meg Bayley, it’s amazing they’ve been able to come together to create such a cohesive statement.

Like the way Olivia Tremor Control took an analog sensibility and coupled it with an appreciation for all things Beach Boys, Eastern Phoebes is extending the noble tradition of Weird Old Americana to yet another generation. And on their latest record ‘Better People,’ the band delivers. From the psychedelic protest of ‘Yer Dollar is a Dead Spore’ to domestic dramas like the back and forth of "everyone here is allergic it seems…" off ‘We Can’t Have a Cat,’ this record covers its subjects with a wide brush and fills in the lines with immense detail.

Here’s a group exploring all the ups and downs associated with life lived among family and friends. And the humour, pain and joy of this kind of life lights up every shooting harmony and floating guitar riff off ‘Better People.’ Check out the record on their Bandcamp. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)