DJs Throw Down: It’s a Melee, Red 7 12/6

Dj Orion

The busy folks of Learning Secrets will be the subject of our upcoming, and sadly final, installment of our DJ Education series (all written by the incomparable Tolly Moseley). Before we get to that, though, they’re putting together another DJ Melee – what is a DJ Melee? Glad you asked. Here, in their words, because we’re running low on our own words, is how it works:

"The DJ’s select from the hottest record stores in town and are each given only five minutes to pick up 30 pieces of vinyl to use in a thirty minute set at a series of DJ Melee parties thrown at Austin’s best clubs.  All vinyl goes straight into a locked box until show time, and local industry judges have the final vote on the DJ’s mixing skills and music knowledge."

High pressure produces diamonds, is the idea here…check out their next event this Sunday at Red 7, with DJs Cauze One, Bigface, Manny & Orion (above).