DJ Silky Smooth brings self-effacing indie pop to Trans-Pecos 03.22

DJ Silky Smooth is an enigma: a serious musician, he loathes to take himself too seriously. From the beginning of "Loser," the opening track off his 2017 LP Smoothie, DJ Silky Smooth (real name Jacob Schwartz) fearlessly and refreshingly deflates any air of pretentiousness all too commonly felt among musicians. He intones over bright, jaunty synths and chorus-laden guitars: "Have you heard there’s this kid at our school who calls himself DJ Silky Smooth? What a fucking loser." The song is tight and intricate, complete with a catchy refrain: "And I know/This is not the way/That we’re supposed to feel." The end result of Schwartz’s abstruse musical identity is effective: by dispensing with self-importance and keeping the mood light, he lets the music speak for itself – and it speaks volumes. DJ Silky Smooth is playing at Trans-Pecos on March 22nd, alongside Blasteroid, Edgar Clinks ansd Dark Tones. Listen to "Loser" below! – Ethan Ames