A Deli Premiere: Geena Kaye releases “In March” single, plays Gold Sounds 04.29

Singer-songwriter Geena Kaye is about to release her first single, called "In March," from her upcoming EP, and we have a premiere for you. The track’s title reflects its tone, which evokes images of rainy days in early spring, and that seasonal, impatient and somewhat frustrated desire for the warmer days ahead.  Kaye’s soft voice wavering above orchestral arrangements cuts deep with emotion; the thickness of the delivery of her lyrics gives off the sense that everything around her is empty, waiting to become whole again. Kaye, who was raised in Germany listening to everything from Pink Floyd to Carole King, says that in writing the song, she imagined what Joni Mitchell would sound like if she was starting out today.

"In March" shows great promise from Kaye, who’ll play Gold Sounds on April 29th. Take a listen to The Deli’s premiere of "In March" below. – Will Sisskind