Daniel Eyes & the Vibes Invite You to Try Some “Dessert Cocaine”

Alright, it is time for you readers to get lost…in a good way. In a "lose your mind in melodic pleasures kind of way," in fact. The ability to do that nice thing is available to you, RIGHT NOW, because a local Austin band that has only been together since 2014 has gone and done it- just last month Daniel Eyes & the Vibe’s new EP release Sweet Dreaming released a four song EP with some mathy and delicious guitar from frontman Daniel Eyes, and you can listen to it here today.

This bluesy quartet has a good home here in Austin and their new output deserves a good listen in return. Single ‘Dessert Cocaine’ off of the new EP, for instance, is a perfect example of the 80s rock, blues pop sound that these cats have to offer, though maybe it’s a bit more of a flashback than some of you bargained for, putting thoughts of desserts and cocaine and “setting you free” in your brain (you heathens).

You can check them out on Spotify and Facebook for tunes and show dates, or better yet, catch them at their next show at Stubbs BBQ in downtown Austin on February 20 at 10:30 after the O.A.R. concert. Tickets are $6 in advance at www.stubbsaustin.com and will go up soon, so don’t miss out on some great Austin music and go buy your tickets early!

Taylor Mangiameli