Daddy Issues, “Ugly When I Cry”

The Deli is a big believer in balance; for every yin there is a yang.  So after this past week of not being able to turn a corner without running into something Americanaramalama-ding-dong, it’s nice to hear a song like this one. Daddy Issues could be the antithesis of all the Ritters, Ellis’ and Eastons out there; three gals driven by pizza, the Electra complex and reviving the corpse of grunge rock circa 1991. Single "Ugly When I Cry" was released September 18th. This is half of the entire two songs recorded, and Daddy Issues have only a handful of shows under their skirts, but the way these tunes gnash along with the girls’ cheekiness keeping their music’s doom-y apathy in check shows the promise of future darlings of Nashville’s garage rock. This band hase a handle on their sound, and it won’t be long before they have a handle on their scene. -Terra James-Jura