Color Tongue release “Adult Lessons” from upcoming EP + plays Elsewhere 07.08.

Those who sit at college radio boards at two o’clock in the morning will find their new favorite song in Color Tongue‘s "Adult Lessons", the latest from the band and the first single from their upcoming EP Bealing Bells. Why will sprouting DJs fall in love with the opening crescendo of syllables and pounding drums signifying oncoming fear and demise? Because, building on the band’s visual album "Us and the Bugs" out last fall, "Adult Lessons" creates a bubble of emotion rife with fading screams. Then, the bubble bursts in a joyful prance of synth arpeggios and a relentless crashing drum beat, while the quartet’s vocals sing a twelve-note refrain to the heavens. It’s fine meditation music for a dimly lit radio studio or studio apartment late at night – or at any time of day, in fact. Bealing Bells hits the Internet later this summer, but you can catch Color Tongue live at Elsewhere’s Zone One on July 8th. – Will Sisskind