CD Review: Bullets In Madison

It’s too easy to compare Bullets In Madison to bands like Coldplay and Radiohead. Besides when you listen closely you will find that the band is not as pretentious as Coldplay and hungrier than Radiohead. On their latest album, We Became Your Family When You Died, the band does an exceptional job of creating and sustaining a complex and heavily textured atmosphere. The album opener, “Impossible Grave” is the perfect example of their craftsmanship, a mixer of aggressive drummer, angelic violins, rhythmic guitar, and floating vocals.

This album is remarkably well put together for a self-released project, and it shows how dedicated the band is to their sound. All too often young bands are still searching for their sound and try to do too much, but Bullets In Madison have perfected the orchestral atmospherics like no other. My favorite track on the album has to be “Riots”, it encompasses all the many elements that really make this album one of the first standout albums of the year. You can download the album for free at Bullets In Madison’s website