Buy Leche’s Two New Drunk Southern Punk Tracks, Get Your Butt Licked for Free

Lookin’ for some real Texas-ass punk shit? Give this new two-tracker from Austin’s Leche a few minutes to thrash yer brains up all nice and scrambly. It’s some grumbling, don’t care about nothin’ DIY bluespunk glory; real drunk Southern madman music the way you want it to be (and rarely get), and it’s fun as fuck. As Leche themselves say, “GEt your Butz REady To Spend the Next 4 Minutes In Heaven” by clicking yon play button below and, if you’re so inclined (wink wink, nudge nudge), the band says they’ll “meet you down Buttlick Alley between Beerland and Sidewinder for one heck of a time” if you send them a few old fashioned, green “American Dollers™”/for the download. Texas punk and buttlicks? A hard bargain to turn down, if you ask us.