Brooklyn punks Habits play free show at The Knitting Factory on 7.16

Punk rock has gone through many different trends throughout its relatively short life span, each trend giving birth to new sub genres that follow the same (angry) DIY attitude of its originators. Brooklyn-based act Habits fuse the more melodic sound of folk-punk and pop punk, with the (angry) sophistication of post hardcore, to forge what they call “whiskey soaked anthems”. Their latest EP The Defeatist draws on the sounds of Against Me! and Hot Water Music with lyrics that reflect on past regrets, unrequited love, and sleeping away tendencies – something slack rockers obviously inherited from punks! Its galloping riffs and powerful drumming, mixed  with the catchy choruses and gigantic hooks, keep the listener engaged and singing along even when the lyrics are at their darkest. Habits will be playing a free show on July 16th at The Knitting Factory. – John Honan