Brooklyn garage poppers Hiccup play Aviv on 7.17

Brooklyn-based band Hiccup signed to Father/Daughter Records in the fall of 2015, and is comprised of Hallie Bulleit (The Unlovables & The Chris Gethard Show House Band), Alex Clute (The Chris Gethard Show House Band), and Piyal Basu (New Oldies). The three-piece blends together male/female vocal harmonies with a mature pop punk and garage rock sound. Their track “Fuckup” features a laid back vocal delivery from Clute and self-deprecating lyrics that examine the comfort found in solitude. “Whatev, It’s Cool” (streaming below) is less focuses instead on putting a negative relationship in the past while singing the lines, “cuz he loves me more than you ever could.” The track features the band’s signature buzzing garage rock fuzz, combined with charming two way harmonies. The band will be playing Aviv on July 17th in support of Winter Break. – John Honan