Big Ugly Yellow Couch’s best CMJ acts: Dinosaur Feathers, Santah, Young The Giant

The peeps at the NYC based blog Big Ugly Yellow Couch sent us a blurb about their favorite CMJ 2010 bands – here it is

"After our CMJ haze fueled by slices of bodega pizza, lack of sleep and Pianos margaritas was lifted, we realized we’re actually even more obsessed with the three bands that played our showcase than we were before. Santah, compadres of ours from back home in the Midwest, played the best shows we’ve seen, and we’ve been in the audience for years. We forgot how much fun Dinosaur Feathers‘ songs were in an acoustic setting, too, and like seemingly everyone who was at CMJ, we’re totally hard for LA’s Young The Giant." – Dinosaur Feathers in the picture.