Big Surr premieres single “Sometimes” ahead of new album.

Ahead of the March release of their new album "In Business," Nashville’s favorite landlocked surf rockers unveil a beachy, fuzz filled power pop tune sure to please both the garage rocker and easy listener. Big Surr refuses to be confined by a sonic niche. They dwell in the liminal space between the lo-fi, fuzzy, trashcan garage and sweet, breezy, reverb-soaked beach. "Sometimes" is no exception. The guitar hook structures and compliments an otherwise washy collage of smooth, atmospheric guitar swells, while Helen Van’s unassuming slacker vocals invite everyone in, disarming any skeptics with a charming, humble apathy. Big Surr’s releases are true gifts for independent music fans in Nashville, and they’ve got a lot more coming our way. You can preorder their album, out on 3/10, here. – Andrew Strader