Big Feelings to open Hey Lover premiere show TONIGHT

Say you’re interested in checking out what’s happening in new music across the nation, then you can turn on any Top 40 station and be incredibly disappointed. Yet, if you are interested in what’s really going on in music, then look no further than a few blocks away from wherever you are in town – at Portland’s underground music scene. Our city is notorious for its eclectic scene and it’s still true that the average Joe (or Jolene) can go out on a Tuesday night and find an act that’s definitely worth seeing for $5 or less. Surprisingly, this really does still happen in PDX despite the number of amazing venues shutting their doors due to rent hikes, condos popping up all over town, and food carts closing down in place of new high rise construction.

If you are looking for a little taste of what PDX was like before it turned into condo-central, then check out the Portland based band, Big Feelings. Their upbeat and lo-fi sound is reminiscent of Camera Obscura, Beat Happening, Magnetic Fields, etc. They’re opening up Hey Lover‘s video premiere show (along with White Glove) Thursday, February 11th, at The Know. The band’s creations are a result of candid, "living room" style collaboration that have been going on for what seems like years. Having three writers who collaborate effortlessly is what gives this group the ability to put each story through their own DIY filter; resulting in music that emphasizes simplicity and the kind of lo-fi grooves that really set the tone for an evening of hanging with your buds and slamming some Old Germans in one of Portland’s hole-in-the-wall dive bars. You can check out Big Feelings’ newest single, "Making Faces," below and be sure to get out and see these guys (and gal) tonight at the Know!

-D.T. Barkness