Best of the Bay: K. Flay @ Popscene & SXSW

San Francisco’s best lady rapper, K. Flay, is about to make the rounds, so get your calendar ready. She’ll be headlining a Popscene show on April 5th at Rickshaw Stop, but not before hitting SXSW, of course (Bay Area – represent!). No seriously, she’ll be doing some serious Bay Area representing in Austin as she’s playing the Oakland-based Pandora Party on March 14th at Antone’s, the SF-based Noise Pop Fest show on March 16th at the Red Eyed Fly and lastly, although they’ve got nothing to do with the Bay, the Baeble Music Party on March 17th at Peckerheads.

Not familiar with K. Flay? Download her latest EP, Eyes Shut, for free on her website or check out her spot on Last Call with Carson Daly. If it’s not obvious by her three South By slots, she’s not to be missed. And duuhhh, Bay Area peeps know that K. Flay’s Popscene show is what’s good on April 5th.

-Justine Fields