Bearcubbin, Yeah Great Fine and Gallons at Holocene 7.6

Come out to Holocene Sunday night (7/6) for an evening of local math-rock heroics as Bearcubbin, Yeah Great Fine AND Gallons will play in what is sure to be the highest of energy gatherings.

If there was a common thread weaving throughout the night’s acts, it would certainly be rhythmic density. All three acts bring a degree of complexity to their beats and metrics that dares you to clap and count along. With bands like these, your only hope is to simply throw yourself at the music and let it’s currents and tides direct you as they see fit. From Yeah Great Fine’s bright and joyous popisms to Bearcubbin’s active, instrumental, loop-rock to Gallons’ thick, post-hardcore, dance-punk, each band exudes i ts own distinct vibe to continually snag your attention. Get ready for an earful of abandon. 

Ted Jamison