B.E.A.F at Spike Hill: Electro night with Manicanparty, Cultfever, Clementine & the Galaxy, Kiss Slash Crooked Smile, Lips and more.

After two folky bills on Wednesday and Thursday, Spike Hill will host a decidedly electronic, almost entirely lady fronted show on Friday June 07, featuring a lot of bands we are looking forward to seeing in a live setting.

Headlining the night at 12.30 will be Manicanparty (pictured) – a band that has built a meaningful buzz without even having an official EP or LP out – with their angelic electro-pop contaminated by tribal and exotic influences. Right before them at 11.40, Cultfever will enterntain us once again (we booked them a bunch of times!) with their upbeat indie-pop that blends synths, guitars and samples. The third headliner of the night, Clementine & The Galaxy, quite appropriately features a more sci-fi, but still very melodic sound, and Julie Hardy’s angelic voice. Stephanie Brown’s brainchild Lips will hit the stage at 10, and fill the room with their loungy and melancholic – but not necessarily slow – electronic tunes. We can’t wait to see mainstay of the NYC scene Yula Beeri’s new electro project Kiss Slash Crooked Smile – the lady can sing and has a lot of presence, you may remember her in Nanuchka and Star Fucking Hipsterz. KNTRL – on the other hand – cannot count on a talented front lady because… they are two dudes – the only dude fronted band of the night as a matter of fact! They are the rocker act on the bill though, which is a great thing to be if you ask us – stick around for them until 1.15am – it’s a Friday night! Mystery band S&M (you don’t want to miss them) and talented rapper Melissa Czarnik will kick off the night at 7.30 and 8.20 respectively.