Avant-Pop artist Arthur Moon Releases New Single ‘Standing Wave’

Queer pop artist Arthur Moon possesses a rare ability to take contrasting voices and pull them forcibly into close conversation. Her last single ‘Wait a Minute‘ exposed hidden relationships found in otherwise opposed historical events. The video juxtaposed footage from old Dyke and Pride Marches with mid-century advertising tropes, producing a jolting experience where the viewer is left wondering what, if anything, do these two dominant cultural forces have in common. In less capable hands, this level of ambition might come up short on results, but Moon works as an alchemist with her sources.

In her latest single ‘Standing Wave,’ she continues this sorcery with even more directness. The track is supported by an off kilter groove undergirding a strong and alternately soothing melodic contour, working as a defibrillator that delivers sudden jolts to keep your heart beating in rhythm. Listen to both singles below. – Mike Levine (@goldnuggets)