Artist(s) Who Deserve Your Friendship: Clotworthy

Yes, I know that there has been plenty of backlash lately about “bedroom” recordings, and a desire for more “real” full bands. The reality of the situation most of the time in making music your career is that keeping a full band together and on the same page to write, record and tour until you get that big break is damn near impossible, especially without having a label deal, booking agent, PR person or something helping to propel you forward. And varying personalities certainly come out and clash in close quarters on tour even if you have all that (just ask Canadian art-poppers Women). So what’s a songwriter to do? Keep writin’ songs with whatcha got! That’s why a little computer generated sounds to help fill out an artist’s vision is welcomed in my book. (And this is coming from someone who once refused to see any band that didn’t make all their sounds playing their instruments, but life like music is about change. Just think of all the amazing bands and DJs that I would have missed out on because of my own stubbornness.) Clotworthy is a recent noteworthy example of a unique songwriter that I might have missed out on. I discovered this new project from Andrew Clotworthy in our DIY calendar (see we do check out the calendar so keep on using it – that’s what it’s there for), and his new LP Buddy is just one of those albums that you can listen straight through again and again. Recorded over two months in his Manayunk bedroom, Buddy revolves around the central theme of loneliness. I think most of my favorite artists spend a lot of time alone. I have always said, “That’s how you become good at your craft.” Clotworthy creates these infectiously catchy indie pop sometimes electro rock tunes full of witty, raw, honest, introspective, self-deprecating humor that connects with the introvert in all of us through Ben Gibbbard-ish vocals and some Erasure-like synth lines. Show the guy that he’s not so alone. You can download Buddy here just name your price. – Q.D. Tran

My Stupid Heart by Clotworthy