Artists on Trial: The Silver Maggies

(Photo by Todd Zimmer) 

This week we’ll be featuring some of the artists playing at Murder Ballad Ball, this Saturday, December 8, at Davey’s Uptown. This will be the fourth annual Murder Ballad Ball, and benefits Midwest Music Foundation.
The Silver Maggies are no stranger to murder ballads, having performed in Murder Ballad Balls of the past. The 5-piece group plays its own brand of dark Americana that lends itself to the music that will be presented on Saturday. We talk with guitarist Patrick Deveny (also owner of Jaykco Guitar Straps) a little more about the band and what we can expect this weekend.
The Deli: Gun to your head, 1 sentence to describe your music. What is it?

Patrick Deveny: High Desert Gothic Country Noir.
The Deli: Let’s talk about what you have coming up. What can we expect?
PD: Our debut full-length is mixed. Should be released in February or March at the latest.
The Deli: What does “supporting local music” mean to you?

PD: Going to see shows. Purchasing recorded music.
The Deli: Who are your favorite “local” musicians right now?
The Deli: Who are you looking forward to the most at Murder Ballad Ball this year?
PD: Finally getting to see Victor and Penny.
The Deli: Tell us a bit about what songs you’re playing for the occasion.
PD:  Terrence and I have an affinity for murder ballads. We will actually not be playing all of the ones that we and the band know. From my side we will be covering a song from about ‘58 or so called, “It’s Nothing To Me,” written by the great Leon Payne. It’s a great example of hard honky tonk. Boy meets girl in a bar, girl’s boyfriend kills boy in that bar.
My song, “It All Went South” is about the first murder my cowboy killer commits. It blends well thematically and musically with a Lee Hazlewood song we like to do called “Summer Wine.” Amy Farrand will sing the verses on the Hazlewood song this year, giving it a twist.
The Deli: Who are your favorite not-so-local musicians right now?

PD: Beachwood Sparks, John Doe, Neal Casal, Calexico, Neko Case.
The Deli: Would you rather spend the rest of your life on stage or in the recording studio?
PD: In the practice space with the band would be my preferred, but onstage if I had to choose.
The Deli: A music-themed Mount Rushmore. What four faces are you putting up there and why?

PD: Carl Perkins: Of the famous Sun guys he was the only one that did it all: wrote great songs, sang well, and was a virtuoso player. The others were 2 outta 3, or in Elvis’s case, 1 outta 3.
Buck Owens and Don Rich: Great, straightforward pop songs that had meaning in a country style. Both were KILLER guitar players as well; Buck was a session player for years before his singing career took off.
EmmyLou Harris: A great voice, an artist with a vision that has made great, daring records when most others are trying to cash in. Also she is THE STANDARD by which all female harmony vocals are judged.
Hendrix: Versatile, world changing.
Merl Travis: One of the greatest guitar players that has ever lived. Great singer and somngwriter.
Johnny Cash.

The Deli: All right, give us the rundown. Where all on this big crazy web can you be found?

The Deli: Always go out on a high note. Any last words of wisdom for the Deli audience?

PD:Watch out for our bass player. He’s shifty.
The Silver Maggies are:
Patrick Deveny
Terrence Moore
Jonathan Knecht
Felix Dukes
Steve Tubbert
(often with a host of guest performers)
The Silver Maggies are slated to continue the evening in a raucous fashion, performing around midnight on Saturday. The event kicks off at 7:00 pm at Davey’s. There will be stages on the bar side and on the venue side; the band will be performing on the bar side. Facebook event here.

–Michelle Bacon

Michelle is editor of The Deli Magazine – Kansas City and plays drums in Deco AutoDrew Black & Dirty Electric, and drums/bass in Dolls on Fire. She owns a paisley Jaykco strap but needs a new one because her puppy thought it’d be cool to chew on it for awhile.

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