Artist to Watch: Los Détroit

On March 25th, Los Détroit released their debut EP The Killing, which channels the drift of modern post-rock into something completely their own. The four-member band, comprised of Marian McCarthy(lead singer and former member of Silent Violent), Michael Carian, Jill Marklin and Michael Lloyd, began in LA with "the icy winds of the Detroit River pushing the final members of the group together", creating one rich discrepancy that fuses the minimalism of post-rock and the ethereal sensations of dream pop ambiance. McCarthy’s tranquil voice is an abstract version of Amy Lee from Evanescene and Grace Potter from The Nocturnals, richly layered in echo-delayed, electronic melodies and bittersweet-introspective lyrics that create dreamy soundscapes drenched in atmosphere. Picture this: you’re laying in bed, the lights are off and the ambience of their new song, "Conditions", creeps slowly through your speakers and floods your room with psychedelic, mind-bending music. As a whole, The Killing feels like a a spiritual, uplifting experience that exceeds the limit of one’s thought. So get lost, lose your mind and relax your body, because Los Détroit is an out of body experience. – Kayla Hay