Listen to “Always On My Mind”, the dreampop lovesong by The Golden Tongues

If music be the food of love, then consider The Golden Tongues polyamorous. That’s the name of a new project by Chris Garcia, one half of Whittier’s electronic post-rock duo Let’s Drive to Alaska. 

In the first track to Golden Tongues’ upcoming b/w, "Always On My Mind," Garcia sings in heart-on-sleeve cadence with an airy inflection that calms interjections of cardamom synths and guitar jangle. It’s a measured effort, not to mention a solo effort since last year. And while the result might not capture the naiveté of Wild Nothing or Real Estate, it does rekindle the fluttery feeling of a new crush. As with his debut EP "Extractions," Garcia is still finding his love, but takes greater pleasure exploring musical flings than brooding in alexithymic solitude.

Hang out tonight at Lot 1 Café as The Golden Tongues play a Counter Culture-curated show with Ablebody and Foliage — it’s free and starts at 8 pm. – Ryan Mo