Alvin Love’s, “The Strawberry Project”


I was first introduced to Alvin Love’s live show in early September at an 8 off 8th – and I was blown away. Being in Nashville for several years, I’ve seen a lot of mediocrity in showmanship – but Alvin’s set was fresh and interesting, and I wanted to know more. Sitting at Portland Brew with Alvin was more than an interview. We talked about everything from a Detroit music scene comeback to his travels to Australia…and finally his just-released EP, The Strawberry Project.

Co-produced by Love and friend Dwan Hill, the five-song EP (technically seven with intros and outtros) is his “first everything.” “I’m excited about it…Given that you can’t fully express yourself on a five-song record, I’m happy with it,” he says. The record showcases his talents, and presents a new face of pop-influenced, upbeat music – one with depth and creativity.

Love’s fusion of rock’n’roll and old school, feel-good soul is nothing short of revolutionary – his surprises on stage and on The Strawberry Project are new to the Nashville music scene. But Love doesn’t want to be limited to one genre: “I want my music to open up people’s horizons, to the idea of being creative and eclectic. People listen to different kinds of music, but mainstream music doesn’t reflect that. I’m just really in support of being out-of-the-box; there should be no boundaries on creativity.” His words come from experience – after feeling pressure to limit his sound to one niche, Love decided that hindering his creativity “wasn’t worth it” to cater to the mainstream world, and that now, “what you’re hearing is exactly what I want to do.” And people respond to it – attend any one of Love’s live shows, watch him tear up the stage and watch the reactions in the crowd. I will be the first to admit that it’s nearly impossible to stand still while Love is performing.

Although his entertainment ability is winning, Love’s songs are more than just a show and dance. Writing is “something that just happens,” according to Love. “Strawberries,” the title song on The Strawberry Project and winner of a songwriting contest, was written in the car (on Hillsboro Pike, specifically). Others, he says, have been written in the shower, in class…and even church. “I’m lucky to have such a gift,” he says, “but I feel kind of guilty- like I can’t even take credit most of the time.”

Not having an EP until now has “put some limits on what I want to do,” says Alvin. His current plans include touring and getting back in the studio. And while he realizes “[he’s] very green right now,” his outlook is positive: “I’m writing songs that I like, and I’m crazy enough to think that other people will like them, too.” 

Catch Alvin Love live this Wednesday, November 3 at Imogene + Willie and at the Basement on December 3.–Lindsay Hayes