Alexis Gideon’s Video Musics II: Sun Wu-Kong Premiere @ Disjecta 09.03.10


Two years of research and execution have gone by and finally the wait is over for Alexis Gideon’s new “Video Opera."

The one hour film, Video Musics: Sun Wu-Kong, centers on the character Sun Wu-Kong and is based on the 16th-century Chinese novel The Journey to the West. The event starts at 8 p.m., September 3, costs $5 and is open to all ages.

The film is also accompanied by an art show of “stills and fabricated characters," which started August 18, and will run through September 6. The Disjecta website questions the definition of the art and appeal of Gideon’s work with two sets of dichotomies, saying, “Is it film or music? Is it high art or pop?” We say, don’t worry about it ’cause it’s cool and engaging and fun. More info here from previous Deli blog

Check out excerpts and stills from the film here.

Joel Sommer