Black Cobra Vipers Play Art Sex, Give Interview


With Mac Demarco slithering onto the scene as some kind of hipster anti-sweetheart, I think it’s safe to say slime is in. Slime is SF three-piece Black Cobra Vipers’ main jam.

Of course, there’s the name. I’ve taken a vow to start a band called Black Cobra Viper Anacondas someday.

They’ve got their self-proclaimed sound, "secret art sex," which, for lack of any better pigeonhole, works as well as any other; maybe something to do with yacht rock, or jazz, or lo-fi with a keyboard or something, I don’t know. Sure, why not. Secret art sex it is.

Then, there’s the lead singer’s propensity for treating each note like a rubber band to be stretched and snapped and messed with—more pitch bends than pitches, and just about as emotive as it gets. It’s really something to be reckoned with.

They put on a feverish show, and they’re currently in the process of recording something, so keep your ears and schedules open. Also, they gave me some of my favorite interview responses to date.