Awesomely weird NYC band: Sewing Machines

If Brian Eno produced a slightly more Americana version of TV on the Radio, you might get a band sounding something like Sewing Machines. The group has a penchant for sculpting beautiful and natural soundscapes out of the most synthetic of sources. Keyboards and drum machines overlay functionally tweaked vocal energy… and still, all of it is catchy as hell. But if there’s one thing to separate the band from the legions of loop machine tinkerers surrounding Brooklyn, it’s the unexpected humanity and simple fun the band always make sure to include in their experiments.

If this duo is halfway serious about their band name, they could not have done any better. Between the inspired, and heavily looped banjo and violin work of Sam Moss, and the well positioned vocals (and drum machine madness) of co-conspirator Max Horwich, this band is more than apt to cut and purl their way to an entirely new means of utilizing sonic materials. Check out their new album ‘February’ on their Bandcamp profile. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)