Arc in Round and Oh! Pears at Danger Danger Gallery April 21

You know that you’ll still be celebrating 420 through the weekend. Who are you kidding? Stop making excuses to puff down, but Arc in Round and Oh! Pears at Danger Danger Gallery tonight may be a good reason if you are looking for another excuse. Oh! Pears are headed by Cory Duncan, whom you may know as former Pattern Is Movement guitarist. His solo project has grown into a thirteen-piece orchestra with viola, violin, trumpet, drums, guitar, flute, vocals, clapping, and more, twisted and layered to create compositions that feel like they should be listened to alone in your bedroom in the middle of the night. They’ll be joined by Jeff Zeigler’s Arc in Round with a dream-pop core the likes of Sweden’s greatest, Club 8 and Sambassadeur. They bring you wind-blown vocals and songs reminiscent of watching a sunrise. At first, their musical vision seems dark and unclear, but steadily soft colors blend into the framework to create something new, beautiful and promising. Danger Danger Gallery, 5013 Baltimore Ave., 8pm, $5 – $10 donation, All Ages, (Photo by Miguel Angel) – Katie Bennett