Annabelle Chairlegs is Dreamy, Lo-Fi and Has an Axe

Annabelle Chairlegs‘ music and video for track "Axe Me If I Care" is all dreamed-out California sunsoaked indie pop. Lead wailer Lindsey Mackin’s voice and look are like someone took a hair off Valley Girl-era Bonnie Hayes’ punk/pop head (not, to be clear, pop punk) and did mad music science to spit out a new creature that had Hayes’ gripping vocal abilities, but was a bit more hippy-ish. In fact, if it weren’t for the punklike edge in Mackin’s voice and the pared down drum sound, Annabelle Chairlegs tracks sound nearly straight out of the 60s. Throw that punk twist on it, and drop a little bit of 90s alt rock jangle, and it’s workin’ for me. These guys are raw and rough, but the potential is there for this band to go big places.

Annabelle Chairlegs have an album in the works and are about to get their young asses on the road for a tour that kicks off on January 28 at Cheer Up Charlies downtown with ILEZO, Cucumber & The Suntans, Who & The Fucks. Get there, and get gaudy with these kids.