An (almost) all female bill at Cake Shop on 02.26: Nan Turner, The Fancy, The Roulettes and Care Bears on Fire

Guys and girls who like chicks who play in indie bands (i.e. 100% of our readership) might be interested in heading out to Cake Shop on Saturday to check out this bill composed almost entirely by female musicians.
4th: The Roulettes (top picture)
Saucy ladies play indie rock with punk attitude
3rd: Care Bears on Fire  (bottom picture)
Teen pop-punk doesn’t get better than this –
2nd: Nan and the One Night Stands
Nan is the "mother" of Olive Juice Music and drummersinger in Lo-Fi heroes Schwervon!
1st: The Fancy
All female orchestral pop treat ruined by the only guy in the bill (just kidding, we are just envious actually).