Baked releases single “Don’t Trip” from upcoming LP “Debt”

Brooklyn psych-rockers Baked – who recently toured with Titus Andronicus – present their official lead single “Don’t Trip” as a teaser for the full-length album “Debt,” scheduled for an August release. The track emerges via a slow, languid pace, as casual pitch-bended guitar chords meander over loose, live-sounding drums. Boy/girl tandem vocals tell a tale of how “It’s a second coming Christ, and the kids they are screaming.” A well placed minor chord throughout the verse cycle holds the listeners interest by avoiding predicable sonic patterns. The whole thing is capped off with nearly a minute of extended coda stuffed with early 70s era guitar textures reminiscent of Pink Floyd at their most psychedelic. Imagine Dean Wareham & Galaxie 500 having a taco with Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks on a sun-drenched afternoon. If you’d like to get even more “baked,” head over to their Bandcamp and pre-order the album. – Dave Cromwell