Check them Out: Rollerball

Even though these guys have been slinging out records since the ’90s, I hadn’t heard of them until today.

Rollerball recently released yet another record, their 15th, called Two Feathers. I personally think that’s a lot of records. I’m only just beginning to realize the depth and the assortment of layers of music this town has to offer.

From what I’ve read and heard so far, I would pitch their sound as extremely varied – ranging from experimental jazz influenced rock to slower tunes that are atmospheric and ambient. Their sound often seems to carry a reverberating presence, akin to the expansive spatial dome of a cathedral, and along with it, the same intensity and seriousness one might find under that type of religious dome. Some cool shit here.

Rollerball rocks rich, interesting and weird compositions with just piano, bass, drums, sax and female vocals. Take a minute and check it out.

Joel Sommer