Grandchildren and Pink Skull Bring Their Circle of Life to JB’s Feb. 17

JB’s is hosting a bill that should have your head spinning and your ass moving. Grandchildren, runner-up of our recent Best of Philly Emerging Artist(s) Poll, with their bombastic sound that slips and slides into ethereal moments that might be found “the day after” nuclear devastation, will be opening for local DJs turned full fledged band Pink Skull, whose time travel electronica will get survivors of Grandchildren’s set dancing towards a new world. But before this apocalyptic event and rebirth, Brooklyn’s Dinowalrus will bring you the feelings of chaos and acceptance that ensue before such momentous occasions. Survivors will be rewarded greatly! Johnny Brenda’s, 1201 N. Frankford Ave., 9pm, $10, 21+Q.D. Tran