Ape Machine Leaks Track from Upcoming Debut


This House Has Been Condemned, the debut album from Portland five-piece Ape Machine, will be self-released on May 4th through their own Ape Machine Music.

Featuring ex-members of Slowdance Records’ The Evening Episode, Grey Day Records artists Minmae, and MCA Records alumni Fenix TX, Ape Machine drives a psych-rock groove over stoner-worthy riffs and soaring vocals. It’s interestingly catchy, given the slicker facets of the songwriting. Essentially, it’s not your Tee Pee Records-type stoner rock, gorging itself on filthy dynamics and flaccid drumming. Ape Machine has their act together, and if leaked track "All Times" is any indication, this could become one of the more notable local releases of 2010.

Check it out below:

Ryan J. Prado