Album Review: Brent DeBoer’s “The Farmer”


There’s a unique sort of interest that piques when a drummer steps out from behind the kit to showcase their songwriting talents. It seems entirely possible that every drummer might be bound for Josh Freese status and the misery known as The Notorious One Man Orgy. But Brent DeBoer, keeper of tempo for the Dandy Warhols, has officially shed percussive skin and stepped into a new beam of light with the release of his first solo effort, The Farmer.

With just eight tracks totaling 22 minutes in length, DeBoer provides listeners a warm dose of sedate, open-chord pop. “You Can’t Love Me” ushers in The Farmer’s distinct vocal styling, one that hearkens to the airy side of Courtney Taylor-Taylor, while also dipping into Iron & Wine’s well of glossy spook.

By “Is That All,” the record’s third cut, DeBoer also makes apparent a surprising musical strategy from that of a drummer, that being the conspicuous absence of nearly all percussion. Aside from the steady chick of a hi-hat and the occasional slight thump of a tom, DeBoer shuns his natural calling, and, while this move feels admittedly strange and unexpected upon initial listening, the crisp song-craft pleasantries of The Farmer quickly shine through in lieu of kit. Because on album-closer “I’m Alright,” when DeBoer softly moans “Let’s get wasted, stay up all night/Drink a bottle of cheap red wine,” we are intent upon agreement, leaving The Farmer a tender and successful collision of singer/songwriter musings and Dandy-esque pop sensibilities.

Check out "You Win" from The Farmer below:

On April 30th, DeBoer will celebrate his album release party at The Woods. All proceeds from the show will be going to benefit the National MS Society. Highway Rob Bonds will perform and fellow Dandy, DJ Rescue (aka Zia McCabe), will be manning the turntables. Tickets start at $15 though purchasers will be able to pay more should they be inclined to donate.

Jacob Sprecher