Dirty Mittens Demo Release Show this Friday


Dirty Mittens will be giving away a handmade, limited run (100), three-song demo from the album they’re working on at Mississippi Studios on Friday.

"We’re super excited about this album," said guitarist Ben Moral. "It’s been in the works since last summer, and we’re still working on mixing it. Jim Brunberg of Mississippi Studios is generously contributing his time to the effort."

The band is also stoked (and you should be too) on these awesome V.I.P. cards they will be handing out at the show. The idea is basically like when you go to a coffee shop and get a bunch of macchiatos and then they give you one for free. Except instead of macchiatos, it’s shows. A buddy of theirs who runs the site ibrontosaurus.com designed and illustrated these really amazing punch cards, and if you come to five shows and get it punched, they’ll give you something free.

"We didn’t really want to limit this to one particular thing, you know, so we’re just saying ‘we’ll hook you up’ – which could mean a free show, shirt, CD, or even something crazy like coming to practice and swilling some brews with us, or having us take you out to dinner, or whatever," explained Moral. "We just want to say thanks to those folks who come out to our shows all the time."

This idea came about because of a confluence of events the band is calling Mittenstastrophe 2k10. This weekend, there will be three (3) chances to get a punch: Mississippi Studios Friday night, Aladdin Theater on Saturday during the day, then Saturday evening at the Willamette Week‘s Eat Mobile event. Is there a better way to spend this almost summer weekend?

Check out some of the demo tracks here.

 – Shuggypop