Capitol Hill Block Party Next Weekend!

And by the by, if you have not seen Les Savy Fav before, I feel that there is a tremendous void living within you that, though you may not know what it is, exists as a tiny voice or ache screaming for the wild antics of Tim Harrington thrusting himself into and onto the crowd, stripping down to his skivvies, and climbing buildings and trees whilst accurately howling every word in every song.  I saw them at the "Green Fest" in Chicago a month ago, and during a madcap run through the crowd, he hugged a friend of mine who was wearing a RISD shirt (Harrington’s alma mater) and handed said friend a broken half of sunglasses.  It made my friend’s night (Hey, Jon Fernandez!).  Plenty of local acts abound, see them all and use sunscreen.