Bobb Trimble on His Lost Album: The Crippled Dog Band

On Monday, July 18, I met up with Bobb Trimble and his manager, Kris Thompson, at Zuzu in Cambridge’s Central Square. When I walked in, Bobb was seated at the corner of the bar in classic Bobb-attire: an American flag t-shirt, jeans, and a jean jacket. He had a cup of coffee in front of him and was coloring in fliers for an upcoming show at Zuzu.

Bobb was excited for the interview. Although he was a little apprehensive at first when I told him I would be recording the interview, once the first question had been asked, Bobb opened up and answered everything honestly and thoughtfully.

Here he talks about the real reasons he scrapped his album, The Crippled Dog Band, after its first pressing in 1984 and why now is the right time for it to be released.

The Crippled Dog Band is out today on Yoga Records. The official CD release show is this Thursday, July 28, at Great Scott with DJ Thundersun, Roland and Jane, and MMOSS. The show begins at 8pm, is $8 and is an 18+ event. 

Click here to read the interview with Bobb Trimble.

–Chrissy Prisco