Show of the day: Hospitality/Spirit is the Spirit/Monster at The Jackpot

 Tonight, The Jackpot scores another big show with Brooklyn band Hospitality, Lawrence band Spirit is the Spirit, and KC band Monster

Though Hospitality is from Brooklyn, lead vocalist Amber Papini originally hails from Kansas City. Check out their style of indie pop here.

Spirit is the Spirit (from The Record Machine) just completed a successful Kickstarter campaign last week, raising over $4,000 to buy a van to begin a US tour. Though the 6-piece band has only released one EP (Mother Mountain), they’ve found great success with an ethereal and harmonic, yet accessible groove. Spirit is the Spirit was recently featured in Secret Handshakes, a 12" collaboration between The Record Machine and Golden Sound Records, with a track called "Pillows." Check out the video below.

Kansas City/Lawrence band Monster opens up the show.

Spirit Is The Spirit // Pillows // Music Video from Micki Hadley on Vimeo.