The double musical identity of Graham Alexander

There’s a dangerous trend happening in New York right now, where teen pop trends from yesteryears are refurbished with new life and made relevant again for all our nostalgic needs. Artists like Adam Schenk has built a fine career re-channeling mid-90’s currents. For Graham Alexander, he picks up around McCartney’s mid-80’s ‘Press to Play,’ period, complete with DX-7 synths and charmingly sweet love stories. His latest single ‘Biggest Fan,’ celebrates the comforts of these textures (while the video celebrates the comforts of couches).

However easy it may be to dismiss The Beatles worshipper as retro-pop (heck, he even plays McCartney in the Broadway Beatles tribute ‘Rain’!), Alexander does it all so well that he ends up infusing the sound with a new sense of warmth and honesty. And that’s the most dangerous part about it. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)